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Writer's pictureAngela Yankulic

Chickens, Chickens, Chickens!

I love my chickens! They are just a little spoiled. At this time, I only have 11. My little flock consist of two grandmas, Rhode Island Reds. These girls just freeload. Just the same, they are very sweet.

Golden Laced Wyandotte are the next two gals.(above) A light brown, kinda pink, egg is what these two share with us. Their markings are identical and I cannot tell the difference between the two.

Two Americuanas are next on the list. We get beautiful blue, olive green, and a beige/gray eggs from these chickens. Their markings can be different on each bird as you can see. The also have little beards on the side of their heads. Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy!

Midnight Majesty Marans, pictured above, lay a very, very large reddish brown egg. I have had eggs as big as an avocado. OUCH! We have 4 of these beauties. They are all solid black as their name suggest. In the sun though, they shine a beautiful teal blue.

That makes ten so far. Last, but not least, we have a rooster. Not sure what kind he is as he was kinda adopted by us. I will share.

Until recently, we had a very sweet beautiful rooster we called Smokey. (below)

As you can see, he is gorgeous! Unfortunately, he came up missing. He was an Americuana.

My neighbor has several roosters. Well they discovered my girls had no gent. One of them decided he would fix that. The first day he came to visit he just free ranged with the girls and went home that night. The second day he came to visit he brought his suitcase and moved right in to the coop. No worries, I shared with my neighbor that his rooster felt the need to protect my girls. He laughed and said keep him and offered me his other two roosters as well. Our new rooster will not let that happen as they have come snooping around and he chases them away. We call him Sunny as he is bright hues of yellows and golds .He is pictured below. He is very docile. You can also see one of our grandmas. She is molting on her back.

I am planning on adding to my chicken family this summer. Not sure what kind of chickens I am getting right now, but I have a few in mind. I will share when I get this new batch of babies. Chickens are very low maintenance and provide rich golden yolk eggs. Initial cost can be pricey. You need a coop, purchased or hand built, and a run. Mine free range when I am home. That does help with keeping the cost of feed and scratch down. Chickens are very curious and like to check out places are not supposed to be at times. A few little swooshes with the hands and they are out of trouble. I like to share my chicken gifts (eggs) with family and friends.

This is just a little introduction into my beauty queens and gent. I'll share some fun tips about chickens in a different post.

Have a great day! The next time you eat an egg, THANK a chicken!


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